Fraud or Scams

Fraud or Scams

WeChat prohibits conduct and content which amounts to or promotes fraud or scams. Fraud generally involves conduct with the intention to deceive, mislead or and otherwise defrauds others for money, property or other benefits (or attempts to do so), resulting in gains to the fraudster at the expense of the victim. Fraud is a serious criminal offence in many jurisdictions. On the other hand, a scam is a scheme generally involving money and some sort of business transaction, and is intended to manipulate or trick others into giving away their personal details, financial details, or money (whether successful or not). A scam may become fraud when the scammer (or individuals other than the victim) obtains money, property or other benefits through deception.

  • You are not allowed to upload, share, publish, transmit, stream or otherwise make available on or through the WeChat platform any content that purposefully deceives, wilfully misrepresents, or otherwise defrauds or exploits others for money or property.
  • You may not upload, share, publish, transmit, stream or otherwise make available on or through the WeChat platform any content that provides instructions on, engages in, promotes, coordinates, encourages, facilitates, recruits for, or admits to the offering or solicitation of any of the following activities:

a) deceiving others to generate a financial or personal benefit to the detriment of a third party or entity through:

(i) financial scams (including but not limited to committing fraud by offering free gifts and cash rebates, investment scams with promise of high rates of return, loan scams, transaction fraud, gambling scams, Ponzi or pyramid schemes, money or cash flips or money muling, charity scams and insurance scams including ghost broking);
(ii) dating scams / impersonation (including but not limited to fictitious story scams, online dating scams, committing fraud through impersonation and establishment of false businesses and entities);
(iii) job scams (including but not limited to fake jobs, work from home or get-rich-quick scams); or
(iv) other fraud or scams (including but not limited to fraudulent game top-ups, account theft and committing fraud by leveraging on victims’ religion or faith)

b) engaging and coordinating with others to fraudulently generate a financial or personal benefit at a loss for a third party (such as people, businesses or organisations) through fake documents or financial instruments, by creating, selling or buying of:
(i)fake or counterfeit currency or vouchers; or

(ii)fake or forged educational and professional certificates or other documents;

c) money laundering (i.e. the concealment of the origins of criminally obtained money);

d) dealing in stolen information, goods or services by:
(i) credit card fraud and goods or property purchases with stolen financial information;
(ii) trading, selling, buying of personally identifiable information, fake and misleading user reviews or ratings, credentials for subscription services or coupons; or

(iii) sharing, selling, trading or buying of future exam papers or answer sheets;

e) betting manipulation (e.g. match fixing);

f) bribery; or

g) embezzlement.