Minor Safety

Minor Safety

A minor is a person under the age of majority or adulthood under the applicable laws of the jurisdiction in which he or she is located, and is still legally a child. WeChat is deeply committed to protecting the safety of minors on our platform. We prohibit activities that harm, abuse, endanger, or exploit minors on WeChat, and may remove any content that depicts any such activities when reported to us. Examples of conduct or content which undermines minor safety and are prohibited by WeChat is set out in the subsequent parts of this section.

Public disclosure of a minor’s information

  • You may not upload, share, publish, transmit, stream or otherwise make available on or through the WeChat platform any content that reveals a minor’s personal information, including but not limited to name, addresses (both online and offline), personal ID numbers, phone number, other than in accordance with applicable laws.
  • Photos and videos of minors, if reported by the minor or a parent or legal guardian, may be removed at our discretion.

Child abuse

  • Content promoting, encouraging, soliciting or depicting child abuse or exploitation (whether sexual or non-sexual) are prohibited.


  • You may not upload, share, publish, transmit, stream or otherwise make available on or through the WeChat platform any content that targets minors with:

a) calls for death, or to contract or develop a medical condition;
b) claims about sexual activity or sexually transmitted diseases;
c) claims about romantic involvement, sexual orientation or gender identity;
d) negative physical descriptions;
e) claims about religious identity or blasphemy;
f) expressions of contempt or disgust;
g) allegations about criminal or illegal behaviour; or
h) videos of physical bullying shared in a non-condemning context.